Regístrate enviando un correo electrónico a y con tu nombre completo, fecha de nacimiento y número de teléfono y ¡te agregaremos a la lista! ¡Tan pronto como tengamos un registro completo, nos comunicaremos con usted para brindarle más detalles!

Sign up by sending an email to and with your full name, date of birth and phone number and we’ll add you to the list! As soon as we have a full registration, we will reach out to you with more details!

Discussion and psychoeducation topics have been thoughtfully crafted to include 6 group sessions: 

  • "Breaking the Cycle" - Normalizing Mental Health in the LatinX Community 

  • Intergenerational Trauma / Post-Traumatic Growth

  • Identifying Codependency

  • How Emotions Influence Behavior: Cognitive Restructuring

  • Emotional Regulation Skills

  • Looking Forward: Setting Goals

Sessions will be closed-group (i.e., your group members stay with you throughout; no new members will be added until the next group cycle begins) with a $25 self-pay per session. Right now we have avaliblity in the mornings and afternoons, as well as face to face or virtual.